Friday, May 1, 2009

Let the blogging begin...

Since everyone else seems to be blogging these days. We decided that we would also like to keep everyone up to date on training, racing and such.

Last weekend we did our first bike races of the season (while actually ever). Mark, Stevie, Josh and Riley raced in Cat 4 and had a great time. The first race on the Saturday was 68 km and when we showed up we were hit by a suprise snow storm which quickly covered the roads. Fortunatly by the time the race started the roads had cleared off. The winds were quite strong making the day tough for the breakaways and ended up in a bunch sprint. Unfortunatly we had no idea what to expect and ended up going to early and getting passed in the last 75 meters. Lnks to results are found on this page. On Sunday only Riley made it out for the shorter 56 km, but made worth the effort winning the race with a solo break away in the last lap. Results are here.

The rest of the week was fairly solid with lots of tough work in the water and some solid bike intervals followed by a threshold run on Thursday.

Most people will be out at a time trial bike race on Sunday and then the first multisport races of the year with the Tuesday duathlons starting next week.

From your friends in central Canada,


  1. Great blog Stevie and Riley...I think it's a wonderful idea to create a blogspot so that everyone can read what you guys have been up to.

    Very are perfect

    From: Nancy

  2. I agree, it's really nice to know what you guys are up to. You are totally chill.

  3. link to the first race isn't working.
